Route Optimization Engine

Experience unparalleled efficiency in your logistics operations with our cutting-edge Route Optimization Engine (ROE).

Real-Time Order Processing

Seamlessly ingesting orders in real-time, our AI-powered system swiftly processes and generates optimized routes, intelligently assigning drivers based on region-specific criteria and dynamic factors.

Re-Optimize Routes Based On Changing Situations

Prioritizing on-time deliveries, our ROE continuously re-optimizes routes, leveraging driver feedback and order status changes, ensuring precision and reliability.

AI Based Route To Driver Match

After routes are generated we use historical data and AI to match routes with drivers.

AI Based Estimated Time Of Arrivals

Our advanced AI algorithms analyze historical data to accurately predict Estimated Time of Arrivals (ETA), factoring in service times, premise specifics, and more, guaranteeing unparalleled accuracy and customer satisfaction.

More Features

We will be adding more features needed by our customers.